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Environmental Management encompasses all aspects of the impacts to environment related to the operational activities of an organization.

Environmental Management system of an organization identifies the aspects and impacts related to the operations. EMC has the expertise and experience to provide the best solutions to our clients:

We provide inspirational leadership in environmental strategy formulation and stakeholder consultations in solving environmental problems. In order to identify environmental risks and formulation mitigation measures environmental laws with integrity and fairness in the process of conduction enviro legal and due diligence has been conducted.

EMC conducts the following in accordance with clients requirements

  • Basic Assessments
  • Screening and Scoping Studies
  • Initial Environmental Examination
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Baseline Environmental Studies
  • Environment Health & Safety Audits
  • EMS Audits & Compliance Audits
  • Project Management
  • Environmental Reviews
  • Environmental Management
  • Program Reports
  • Environmental Planning
  • Environmental Reviews
  • Public Consultation & Facilitation

EMC has a core team of expertise and experience available to undertake full spectrum of studies required for EIAs and IEE in accordance with the national and International guidelines or requirements of Pakistan. Keeping in view all the requirements and guidelines provided within the legal framework. Related to EIA’s EMC also has significant experience in compiling, auditing Environmental Management plans (EMP). In fact EMC prides itself in being able to provide a tailor made and practical approach to EMPs.

As the limits for air emissions and industrial liquid effluents have been revised and set in the Environmental Quality standards (NEQS), so in order to ensure the industry do not exceed those limits, we provide complete services for carrying out Sampling of critical parameters, Laboratory testing, Analysis of test results and Preparation of Self Monitoring Reports on a standard format as required by the EPA.

To assess the degree of environmental degradation and to set a baseline for future work. This type of study helps in suggesting future strategy to comply with the regulatory requirements and to form a basis for any management system.

Qualitative Health Risk Assessment (HRA) are conducted to establish health risks factors and ranking method will priorities the products, which present a high risk during manufacture or potential health risk during various phases of manufacturing. High-risk homogenous exposure groups are normally identified and samplings of products are conducted to assess if they present a high risk.

To maintain legal and other compliance, the organization must identify and understand and address the regulatory and other requirements applicable to environmental aspects and services related to Environment. To keep track of legal requirements, EMC establishes and maintains a list of all laws and regulations relevant to the environmental aspects and impacts of its activities. We have a highly qualified and experienced Environmental Lawyer as our associate who can provide counseling on legal issues, related to Environment for instance implications of regulatory compliances and management of other legal matters.

It is the need of the day to switch to newer and cleaner technology, we at EMC alway s stress on the cleaner technologies which are green in nature and helps in creating less pollution and are environmental friendly.

Cleaner technology includes recycling, renewable energy (wind power, solar power, biomass, hydro po wer, biofuels),information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, Grey water, and many other appliances that are now more energy efficient. It is a means to create electricity and fuels, with a smaller environmental footprint and minimize pollution. To make green buildings, transport and infrastructure both more energy efficient and environmentally benign. Environmental finance is a method by which new clean technology projects that has proven that they are “additional” or “beyond business as usual” can obtain financing through the generation of carbon credits. A project that is developed with concern for climate change mitigation (such as a Kyoto Clean Develo pment Mechanism project) is also known as a carbon project.

While there is no standard definition of “cl ean technol ogy,” i t has been described by Clean Edge, a clean technology research firm, as “a diverse range o f products, serv ices, and processes that harness renewabl e material s and energy sources, dramatically reduce the use of natural reso urces, and cut or eliminate emissions and wastes.” It notes that “Clean technologies are competitive with, if not superi or to, their conventional counterparts. Many also offer significant additional benefits, notably their ability to improve the lives of those in both developed and developing countries.

Vi rtual ly al l textil e and chemical industries have an impact on the enviro nment or are impacted by environmental and related regulation. The extent of that impact and how clients navigate regulatory framework and minimize the risk is a matter of degree. We have suggested many textile and chemical industries to switch to cleaner technologies and provided them sufficient knowledge and i nfo rmatio n database to implement these technolo gies successfully.

We develop a plan for services together with the client. We listen carefully to our clients concerns, inform them about regulatory requirements and our past experiences with those issues. We have developed exposure monitoring strategies, such as chemical air sampling or noise Monitoring. Our Company also works with our client to develop effective, yet workable, exposure control strategies, including training of workers. Finally we will report our findings in a professional, comprehensive, yet understandable fashion. We will support our clients to help resolve any regulatory or mitigation issues related to:

  • Industrial Air Emissions and Effluent
  • Testing
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Noise Monitoring and Mapping illumination Survey
  • Air Quality Measurement at work place to determine occupational exposure to Toxic substances Emissions and Acoustic Pollution Abatement in Industries.
To remain competitive in business an organization needs to be certified by independent ISO auditors. The scope of EHS auditing is expanding. In this context we carry out Internal and Follow up Audits before the final certification. Auditing is no longer simply completing a checklist to determine regulatory compliance. To provide information on the effectiveness of management systems, opportunities for cost reduction and continuous improvement accomplishments auditing programs are mandatory today. We have Qualified EARA approved Lead Auditors for EMS ISO 14001; we also conduct other Environmental, Health & Safety Audits. Our EHS auditing includes:

  • Compliance Audit
  • Site Impact Audit
  • Specialist EHS Audits (e.g. waste, energy audits)
  • Safety Audits
  • Health and Safety Auditing and Program Development Environmental Audits
  • Due Diligence Regulatory Compliance
  • Auditing
  • Third Party Assessment of Auditing
  • Programs
  • Reporting and Auditing Information
  • Management Training
Environmental Site Assessment Phase – I (ASTM E-1527) The phase I of ESA is based on ASTM E- 1527 and helps in determining potential environmental liabilities to establish the basis for further investigation through the establishment of baseline environmental condition, comply necessary regulatory requirements through the identification of compliance deficiencies and develop further remediation plans. Environmental Site Assessment Phase – II (ASTM E-1903-97 (2002) Phase II ESA is site-specific and context- specific. The phase II of ESA determines the nature and extent of contamination Phase II environmental site assessment (ESA) of a parcel of property with respect to the presence or the likely presence of substances including but not limited to those within the scope of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (e.g., hazardous substances), pollutants, contaminants, petroleum and petroleum products, and controlled substances and constituents thereof. It specifies procedures based on the scientific method to characterize property conditions in an objective, representative, reproducible, and defensible manner. Our team of Experts conduct Phase – I ESA and based on findings of Phase – I, recommendations are given for conducting Phase – II ESA. Soil & groundwater samples are collected from identified areas to check for contamination levels of pollutants depending on the nature of past operations at the facility. Mitigation measures are recommended for remediation of the soil & groundwater and removal of the potential contaminants.
There is currently a monumental effort by countries throughout the world to establish a Universal Standard for Environmental Management which affect all phases of operation. We have implemented it in many industrial sectors. Our work methodology for implementing this Standard comprises of following steps:

  1. Initial Environmental Review Report
  2. Environmental Policy Formulation & Planning
  3. Environmental Policy Formulation & Planning
  4. Implementation, Training & Documentation
  5. Internal Audit
  6. Application for the Certification

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a stepping stone to knowing your environmental impact and risks and being able to manage them effectively. It also produces a positive economic impact, delivering real savings and making systems more robust.

EMC also conduct Health and Safety review in order to develop and incorporate Safety Statement a health and safety policy that recognizes that health and safety is an integral part of the organization’s business performance. They should ensure that this health and safety policy is following the points below:

  • It is appropriate to the hazards and risks of the organization’s work activities and includes a commitment to protect, so far as is reasonably practicable, its employees and others, such as contractors and members of the public, from health and safety risks associated with its activities.
  • It includes a commitment to comply with relevant health and safety legislation, codes of practice and guidelines as a minimum.
  • Provides a framework for measuring performance and ensuring continuous improvement by setting, auditing and reviewing health and safety objectives and targets.
  • It is documented, understood, implemented and maintained at all levels the organization
  • Clearly places the management of health and safety as a prime responsibility of line management from the most senior executive level to first- line supervisory level.
  • Covers employee health and safety consultation and representation and includes a commitment to provide appropriate resources to implement the policy.
  • Provides for employee co-operation and compliance with safety rules and procedures.

Effective health and safety management demands comprehensive health and safety policies that fulfill the spirit and the letter of the law, are effectively implemented and are considered in all business practices.