It is the need of the day to switch to newer and cleaner technology, we at EMC alway s stress on the cleaner technologies which are green in nature and helps in creating less pollution and are environmental friendly.
Cleaner technology includes recycling, renewable energy (wind power, solar power, biomass, hydro po wer, biofuels),information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, Grey water, and many other appliances that are now more energy efficient. It is a means to create electricity and fuels, with a smaller environmental footprint and minimize pollution. To make green buildings, transport and infrastructure both more energy efficient and environmentally benign. Environmental finance is a method by which new clean technology projects that has proven that they are “additional” or “beyond business as usual” can obtain financing through the generation of carbon credits. A project that is developed with concern for climate change mitigation (such as a Kyoto Clean Develo pment Mechanism project) is also known as a carbon project.
While there is no standard definition of “cl ean technol ogy,” i t has been described by Clean Edge, a clean technology research firm, as “a diverse range o f products, serv ices, and processes that harness renewabl e material s and energy sources, dramatically reduce the use of natural reso urces, and cut or eliminate emissions and wastes.” It notes that “Clean technologies are competitive with, if not superi or to, their conventional counterparts. Many also offer significant additional benefits, notably their ability to improve the lives of those in both developed and developing countries.
Vi rtual ly al l textil e and chemical industries have an impact on the enviro nment or are impacted by environmental and related regulation. The extent of that impact and how clients navigate regulatory framework and minimize the risk is a matter of degree. We have suggested many textile and chemical industries to switch to cleaner technologies and provided them sufficient knowledge and i nfo rmatio n database to implement these technolo gies successfully.