We also monitor the following list of parameters:
- Effluent and Wastes
- All kinds of water
- Ambient Air Monitoring
- Moisture
- Humidity
- Gaseous Emissions
- Particulates
- Smoke
- Noise
- Luminosity
- Acid Soluble
- Acidity or Alkaline of Water
- Aluminum Content in Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Ammonia Nitrogen in Water
- Ammonia (NH3)
- An ionic Detergent as MBAS
- Arsenic
- Barium
- Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Boron
- Cadmium
- Calcium Content in water
- Calcium Hardness
- Carbon dioxide in water
- Carbonate /Bicarbonate in Water
- Chemical Oxygen Demand in Water
- Chloride as Cl
- Chlorine
- Phosphate
- Cobalt in water
- Copper
- Cyanide as CN Dissolved oxygen in water
- Electrical Conductivity & Resistivity in water
- Fluoride as F
- Grease & Oil
- Hydrogen Sulphide in water
- Hydroxide ion in water
- Iron
- Lead
- Magnesium hardness
- Manganese
- Mercury
- Nickel
- Nitrate lon in water
- Oil & Grease content in water by I.r
- Oxygen
- pH.
- Chromium
- Chromium (Trivalent & HexaValent)
- Potassium
- Selenium
- Silica
- Silver
- Sodium
- Sulfate
- Sulfide Sulphide as S
- Sulphate as SO4
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
- Temperature
- Total Bacterial Counts
- Total Hardness in Water
- Total Nitrogen
- Total Suspended Solids
- Total Toxic Metals
- Turbidity in Water
- Vanadium
- Zinc
- Phenol Compounds as Phenol
We monitor and evaluate against the following legal standards:
- ASTM (American Society of Testing & Materials)
- APHA (American Public Health Association)
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- In House
- SEQs: Sindh Environmental Quality Standards
- NEQs: National Environmental Quality Standards
- WHO: World Health Organization
- IFC/World Bank: International Finance Corporation/ World Bank
- OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Association
List of Instruments used:
Haz scanner EPAS |
TESTO 350 |
IMR 2800-A |
BOD Incubator |
BOD Track |
Spectrophotometer DR/3900 |
COD Reactor |
pH /Conductivity multimeter (ADWA) |
Multimeter HACH |
Digital Hygrometer |
Oven |
Stop Watch |
Lux Meter |
Hot plate |
Turbidity Meter |
Electronic Balance (FA-2204) |
pH Meter(portable) |
TDS Meter(portable) |
Sound Level Meter (Super Scientific) |
Sound Level Meter (INCCO) |
Sound level (Extech) |
Desktop Constant Temprature Incubator |
DO meter (Extech) |
H2S Meter |
Oil and Grease Assembly |